Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RECAP- Blogger hiatus!!!

Sorry bloggers- been on quite a hiatus as I have been distracted lately with preparing for my aerial show, a schedule change with my clients, being sick, blahhhhhh. But, NO EXCUSES! I'M BACK :)

So this past weekend has been an "emotional roller coaster" for me as Dan called it (and chuckled).

I had an Origami Owl jewelery party planned with some great friends/family at my place. I was super excited! I cleaned the apartment (with much help from Dan), bought all my snacks from Trader Joe's, got three different types of wine and was so ready for a fun girls night in.*roller coaster climbs up*
I also had my final private aerial session planned before my show, but I sat in traffic for 1hr and 45mins getting into Brooklyn and missed exactly half of my session! With my show a week and a day away and a change in my choreography I was STRESSED and super bummed *roller coasted quickly plummets* I came home feeling lost, disoriented and totally unsure if I could even perform. After being stressed out from missing my session and exhausted from sitting in traffic my aerial skills were not up to par. I was a nasty mess when I finally got home and complained to Dan about my inability to perform and how I totally suck. *roller coaster comes to complete halt* but I still enjoyed the company of my family/friends at the party.

Kentucky Derby day! Dan took me to a nice breakfast (I got eggs and an oatmeal pancake- YUM). *roller coaster re-starts, climbs up, gains some speed* After a haircut and buying a Mother's Day gift we hit the Meadowlands Racetrack. We had never been there before and what a nice surprise! It was clean, had indoor and outdoor seating, food, drink, huge TVs, horse races and best of all FREE T-SHIRTS (I got two!). I ran into my Dad who was also there to bet on the Derby and we grabbed a spot upstairs to place a few bets. I lost one and won one- not too bad for my first time! Winning feels good! *roller coaster climbs a little higher*
OK so I got my nose pierced a few weeks ago and it had developed a gross bump around the gem- whatever, I needed to get it looked at. So after lunch at Panera Bread Dan took me back to the piercing place, Invisible Self Piercing in Lyndhurst. Basically he squeezed the living shit of it, it bled and hurt like hell, my eyes teared but he said it would be totally fine, scab over and heal alright...OUCH *roller coasted takes a tiny speed bumb*
Later that night we went to my Aunt's house to celebrate my cousin's birthday and watch the Derby. I am wiped out, exhausted and not hungry at all. My body aches, I'm freezing cold (I never get cold) and feel so weak. Dan takes me home to rest *roller coaster takes a big drop, one so big it turns my stomach- literally*

SICK ALL DAY. Nauseous, tired, weak, can't eat, want to sleep.... I cancelled both my PT clients, couldn't attend the Christening for Dan's cousin and I missed my first aerial dress rehearsal! I was so upset, so sick and had no control over anything. I slept on and off all day and ate a few crackers and a finally a piece of chicken at 6pm, which didn't sit well and I went to bed nauseous again.*roller coaster continues it's descend- what a sucky way to start the new week*
I have never felt so incapable and helpless and I was freaking out about my performance fast approaching.

Monday my stomach bug lingered and I still went to work, but cancelled my PT clients so I could rest in between classes and go home early. I was in bed by 8pm! Tuesday it lingered on, but my mom took great care of me making sure I tried to eat some real food for the first time and drank some Pedialyte for electrolytes. I was attending an aerial rehearsal that night sick or not! I needed my confidence back and I needed to know what I was doing for the show! Dan drove me into Brooklyn for the rehearsal because I was still feeling weak and queasy- he's truly the best and treats me like a total princess :)

At rehearsal I struggled in the beginning, tried a few pieces from my choreography and tried to sneak out without performing in front of the other ladies. They are all much more experienced, poised, and well.... BETTER (or at least that's how I see it)! I feel like the black sheep over here like "help me when I get stuck in the air and can't get out of my wrapping and don't know what to do!".  Well, everyone encouraged me to try my piece to the music.... a big deep breath, music comes on and BAM! Next thing you know I am gliding through, not super confident, but nailing the choreography and feeling the music. I finish with my knee hang drop and the song closes- not finishing my piece with the cross back drop I had planned because I didn't get to it! NO problem there! As I hang upside down in the air I yell out "Done! Can I just end like this?!" and everyone laughs. I struggle to get out of my wrapping, but realized my mistake and Kiebpoli and I decide it's best to leave out the final drop because it's something still new to me and not one of the original pieces she wanted to use for my choreography- I totally agreed. I leave there feeling like I can totally do practice, practice, practice until show time!!

Not only was the weekend a total emotional roller coaster, but aerial is....every session is so different and I leave feeling so different. It takes me way up and brings me way down but I just have to keep pushing, keep trying, and stay confident! Attitude it everything....I got this! (I think!)

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